Grandes Vinos: The “Over the Rainbow” Initiative & Corporate Philanthropy during a Tragedy

Rosana Fuentes-Fernández Date Accepted: December 29, 2020

Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 82-93

Keywords: branding, hospitality, digital marketing, supply chain management, co-branding, co-promoting, crisis leadership.

This case study illustrates how a well-executed corporate social responsibility campaign can make a positive social impact, while also increasing customers' trust, loyalty, and affinity towards the company and its brand. Grandes Vinos rapidly responded to the challenges created by the pandemic, and adapted to the "new normal", while launching a socially responsive campaign to support COVID-19-related causes less than a month after the pandemic started. The campaign named "Over the Rainbow", resembled their previously successful initiatives to sell new products exclusively created to fundraise for social causes, rather than allocating existing revenues to fund socially responsible initiatives. Grandes Vinos' previous experience and in fundraising for other causes allowed the company to respond to the challenges caused by the pandemic. Not only can companies do well by doing good, but they can also do well by doing good in ways that build on what they do best. Managers play a vital role in deepening the firm's engagement with the community and they have a responsibility to care about the community's well-being through appropriate responses and initiatives to address pressing social issues and needs.

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